From 3 to 26 November 2011
Vernissage on November 3 from 18h to 22h in the presence of the artist
L’officiel des Galeries
For the occasion of « le mois de la photo » in Paris, Théo de Seine gallery welcomes Laudator’s photomontages. Laudator is a confirmed artist and recognised for his skill in Collage and Assembling images.
See images : Daydream
Daydream, galerie Théo de Seine, Paris (solo show)
Théo de Seine gallery welcomes Laudator’s photomontages. In this new series called “Daydream”, Laudator adjusts with thoroughness fragments from multiple origins. Titles are intimately linked with collages of pictures and fragments of lifes assembled together.
A child with his hobby horse observing the world through butterfly wings under thick branches of plutonian forest. In the work yet to be published at the end of 2011, “La liberté est un collage”, we can find Laudator’s notes of work regarding the photomontage of Pluto, the furtherst planet from the sun : “no one would be surprised to find out Pluto is so far away from the sun that there is hardly ever daylight on that planet”. The sunrays forcing way towards it are barely sufficent to plonge it into a permanent shadowy light. As a painter, he underlines the shapes; using color and light, creating unity and inspiring atmosphere. Laudator participates in various movements, exhibitions and books about Collage and Photomontage.
Du 3 au 26 novembre 2011
Vernissage le 3 novembre de 18h à 22h en présence de l’artiste.
La galerie Théo de Seine se situe au cœur de Saint-Germains-des-prés à Paris:
Galerie Théo de Seine
19 rue de Seine 75006 Paris
Du mardi au samedi de 11h à 19h
Exposition Daydream – Photomontages Laudator
Galerie Théo de Seine – Paris, novembre 2011